Alex Saxton

Hypnosis for OCD Relief

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a complex anxiety disorder which can significantly impact a person’s life. It involves a cycle of relentless intrusive thoughts causing anxiety, leading individuals to engage in time-consuming compulsions to temporarily ease the anxiety, only for it to return repeatedly. OCD includes various subtypes like contamination OCD, relationship OCD, symmetry OCD & much more.

Fortunately, hypnosis offers an escape from OCD’s firm hold by communicating with the subconscious mind, which is where our fears, core beliefs, habits, and automatic thoughts reside. Through hypnosis, we can reprogram the subconscious mind to eliminate the core beliefs fueling OCD, reduce intrusive thoughts & diminish the need for compulsions.

Hypnosis has helped me & many of my clients break free from OCD’s tight grip. Instead of months of therapy, relief from OCD symptoms can be achieved within a few weeks. Explore my hypnosis services below for more information.

Hypnosis for OCD Relief

1.Are fed up with being consumed with constant intrusive OCD thoughts urging you to ruminate, get reassurance or do an unwanted behaviour?
2. Is your day being robbed by the disruption caused by performing repetitive OCD rituals or compulsions to get rid of anxiety?
3. Are you filled with feelings of constant doubt that something is right and feel like you are going mad?
4. Are you sick of feeling anxious all the time & being a slave to OCD?
If you can relate to the above then it’s 100% time time to break free from the tight grip of OCD and find inner peace, with my hypnosis sessions designed for OCD relief.

During my hypnosis sessions you can expect the following:

Bonuses: As a special gift, you’ll receive relaxing hypnosis recordings after each  session designed to alleviate anxiety, reduce intrusive OCD thoughts and improve sleep.

Take the first step towards reclaiming your life from OCD by booking a consultation with me today.

My Client Testimonials

“I am so glad to have found Alex. To say I was sceptical that Hypnotherapy could work is an understatement, especially in a case of spiralling OCD. I have very gladly been proved wrong. Thanks to Alex’s calm manner and skills I have managed to get the anxiety under control. I could tell from the start that Alex knew the hold OCD can have – the knowledge that I was in safe, understanding hands helped enormously. Her approach is realistic and assured with a mix of talking therapy, visual analogies and hypnosis that somehow unlocks the brain! Thank you Alex.”
mummy Moo
mummy Moo
I have to say, Alex has worked wonders on my problem: from the very first session I was able to go shopping & not buy all the usual wrong things it was my habit to buy. I no longer buy, nor wish to buy, wine, bread, cakes, sweets & therefore do not consume them. I buy much more sensible food & cook fresh or have a slim-fast if not really hungry. It's almost miraculous & I am very pleased. I was not 'put under' or anything, it was all done through my subconscious. I'm very happy & grateful with the results.
Cat Hollick
Cat Hollick
Finding Alex was probably the best thing i've done this year. I suffered from insomnia for about a year, and had developed a phobia not being able to get to sleep which kept me awake with adrenaline surges through the night. I'd tried everything in the past, medication, doctors, therapy, all the sleep hygiene techniques they tell you to do, and nothing worked. I really had started to give up hope. Eventually my friend pushed me to search for a hypnotherapist, and honestly i wish I'd done it earlier. I was really nervous (and skeptical!) going into it, but Alex was calm, friendly and I felt better knowing that she had gone through similar struggles and could relate with what I was telling her. And trust the process! It's different for everyone but things started improving in week three for me and I've not worried about going to sleep since. I also had a nasty habit of grinding my teeth which seems to have got a lot less since my session with her on that. Thank you so much Alex, you will definitely be my first point of call in the future if i ever need help again x
Jamie Elm
Jamie Elm
I was suffering from dartitus. Its a condition that dart players can suffer which doesnt allow them to release the dart properly. With the help of Alex and her hypnosis sessions im glad to say i am now freeof dartitus. Alex helped me break down the barriers which was stopping me perfoming my best and help me address the underlying issues which led to dartitus. I would highly recommend Alex, i now feel excited to play darts again and free from anxiety.
Martin Swierkot
Martin Swierkot
Great experience and what’s most important- it actually works. Thank you Alex 🙂
My daughter has been suffering with anxiety for a little while now and after some research into Hypnosis I came across Alex. After explaining the difficulties she was having Alex recommended 4 hypnosis sessions which I can truly say has been incredible. Dealing and managing anxiety is always hard but Alex and given her tools and with the hypnosis it has really helped. We couldn’t thank you enough. Sarah
Nicola O
Nicola O
I can not recommend Alex highly enough. She helped me so much with my severe anxiety. She is professional, and very easy to relate to. She has helped me so much.
Hazel Pittwood
Hazel Pittwood
I have just finished 5 sessions of hypnotherapy with Alex to address my long term issues relating to food; these included eating past fullness, binge eating and mindless snacking. With Alex's expert guidance I have been able to address and manage these issues. I cannot thank her enough; after struggling with my eating habits and weight my entire adult life, after hypnotherapy I now feel in control and am starting to see and feel great results. I really wish I had tried hypnotherapy sooner and would 100% recommend Alex to help anyone who is struggling with any of the many issues she is able to help with. This has been truly life changing - thank you so much Alex!
Diana Watson
Diana Watson
I consulted Alex with anxiety and IBS symptoms. I have found her to be sympathetic and very helpful with getting me back to going out and living a normal life. I would definitely recommend her as I now feel so much better and far more confident. Please give Hypnotherapy a try if you are have problems as it is really invaluable with helping you get back to normal. Diana Watson
Dawson Breed
Dawson Breed
I booked some sessions with Alex and Im very pleased I did as the way I dealt with stress was making me ill, but now after a course with Alex I'm much calmer in stressful situations.
Morgan Wills
Morgan Wills
After a year of struggling with OCD and going through multiple different therapy organizations, I finally found something that helped my OCD by going to Alex Saxton Hypnotherapy. It is a super easy process that just involves training your subconscious mind. It is not scary, affordable, and worth a try! I highly recommend Alex Saxton Hypnotherapy!