Alex Saxton

Anxiety Shakes: How to Stop Shaking from Anxiety

Anxiety can take many different forms, but trembling is one of the most typical physical signs of anxiety. Those who have anxiety shakes may experience trembling in their voice, hands, or legs. These mild to severe anxiety tremors can occur at any time and cause discomfort as well as social embarrassment. You’re not the only one who gets the tremblings from nervousness. The good news is that there are ways to manage and potentially reduce anxiety shaking. In this blog, we will explore tips and methods on how to stop shaking from anxiety immediately.

Determine the True Source of Your Anxiety

The first step to controlling and lessening anxiety shaking is figuring out what is causing your anxiety. People experience anxiety for a variety of reasons, so it’s important to pinpoint the exact source of your concern. It’s possible that specific circumstances or occurrences have set off your nervous system if you have anxiety shakes.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Anxiety Shakes

Significant reductions in anxiety shakes can be achieved by cutting back on caffeine, exercising frequently, and making sleep a priority. Because caffeine stimulates the neurological system, it can make the brain more alert and receptive to outside stimuli, which can lead to an increase in anxiety. If you often drink caffeine, consider cutting back on your consumption or converting to decaffeinated beverages.

Exercise has been shown to elevate mood, lower stress hormones, and strengthen the body’s capacity to handle stress. Because it stabilises the nervous system and helps to control blood flow, regular exercise can help avoid anxiety shakes.

For the body to heal, rebuild, and perform as best it can, sleep is necessary. The body’s natural ability to regulate hormones is also disrupted by sleep deprivation, which can make anxiety symptoms worse. Make getting a good night’s sleep a priority by avoiding electronics just before bed, making a relaxing bedtime routine, and listening to relaxing guided meditation or relaxing hypnosis recordings to guide you into sleep.

Breathing Exercises to Stop Shaking from Anxiety Immediately

A simple and efficient technique to help you stop shaking from an anxiety attack, is to relax the body by practising breathing exercises. Controlled breathing techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, sometimes referred to as belly breathing or deep breathing, can trigger the body’s relaxation response and offer instantaneous relief from the symptoms of anxiety.

Here’s how to breathe diaphragmatically:

  1. Choose a comfortable position to sit or relax in.

  1. Put a hand on the tummy and another on the chest.
  1. Breathe deeply through your nose, letting the belly expand as the air pushes up on the belly with your palm.
  1. With your lips pursed, let the breath and let your fingers drop inward onto your tummy.
  1. Continue for ten to fifteen minutes.

By activating the parasympathetic nervous system and lowering the body’s “fight or flight” reaction, this activity helps to calm the mind and lessen anxiety shakes.

Mental Techniques to Help Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety shakes are frequently brought on by emotional and mental stress. However anxiety shakes can be considerably reduced by altering the way you think and react to stress. Here are a few mental techniques on how to help you stop anxiety shaking:

  1. Developing mindfulness: Being able to concentrate on the here and now helps reduce worry. The mind can become calm and let go of anxious ideas by using mindfulness meditation practices, such as noticing thoughts and sensations without passing judgement.
  1. Practices of gratitude: Being grateful helps to turn attention from bad emotions to good ones. Spend some time each day making a list of the things you have to be grateful for and expressing your gratitude for.
  1. Positive self-talk: Use self-talk and positive affirmations to dispel negative ideas. Sayings like “I can’t handle this” should be replaced with “I am strong and capable of overcoming challenges.”
  1. Reduce worries: If you have difficulty in worrying or catastrophising which is causing your anxiety symptoms then reach out to a hypnotherapist who can help reduce the amount of worries you engage with in the day

Professional Help to Prevent Anxiety Shakes

Seeking professional help could be advantageous if your anxiety shakes are seriously affecting your day-to-day activities or impairing your capacity to operate. A therapist that specialises in anxiety can help you identify the underlying causes of your anxiety and offer you useful coping mechanisms. Prescription medication is another option for treating anxiety problems.

Last words..

Anxiety shakes can be upsetting and unpleasant to experience. Although it’s a typical anxiety symptom, there are techniques to lessen its occurrence and severity. To stop anxiety shakes, it’s important to practise healthy physical and mental habits. Breathing exercises and professional guidance are also important. It is important to remember that while decreasing anxiety symptoms takes time and effort, the benefits are worth it. You can take back control of your life and lessen the negative effects that anxiety has on your mental and physical health by putting these strategies into practice.

If you need further assistance on how to stop anxiety shaking – check out my “Hypnosis for Anxiety”  service during which I can help you to feel calmer, less stressed and less anxious. To find out more – click this link

I’m a clinical hypnotherapist with over 15 years experience, and to  date I have helped over 100 clients from London, Poole, Bournemouth,  Southampton, Bath,  Bristol, the United States, and as far afield  as New Zealand in overcoming anxiety. Regardless of where you reside,  I am fully equipped to assist you in the same manner so do get in touch  if you need my hypnosis help too. Here is the link to my website and here is the link to my calendar if you would like to book a consultation
