Alex Saxton

Feeling Anxious? Discover if Hypnosis is the Answer to Feeling Calmer

In today’s increasingly stressful world, feelings of anxiety have become a common concern for many people. In search of relief, some have turned to hypnosis as a potential solution for calming their anxiety. But does hypnosis offer a path to feeling calmer, and how does it work? Let’s explore the relationship between hypnosis and alleviating stress. Learn how hypnosis works to tap into the subconscious, alter behaviors, and enhance well-being. Discover its scientific basis and benefits.

What Exactly Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural stress response, presenting as feelings of fear, worry, or unease. While it’s normal to experience occasional anxiety, persistent or severe anxiety can have a profound impact on mental and physical health. Anxiety can manifest in various forms, such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, emotional eating, and OCD. It may lead to restlessness, irritability, trouble sleeping, and difficulty concentrating.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that involves guiding individuals into a deeply relaxed state, known as a trance, to promote focused attention and heightened suggestibility. During hypnosis, individuals may be more open to suggestions and have the opportunity to reframe negative thought patterns, confront fears, and manage stress. This altered state of consciousness allows individuals to access their subconscious mind and address underlying issues contributing to anxiety.

Hypnotic Techniques for Treating Anxiety

Hypnosis offers a variety of different techniques for treating anxiety, such as guided imagery, progressive relaxation, and cognitive restructuring.  These methods aim to help individuals relax, reframe negative thought patterns, and develop coping skills to manage anxiety symptoms. By addressing the underlying psychological factors that fuel anxiety, hypnosis can offer individuals a sense of control and calm. Not only that but hypnosis is nothing to be afraid of either, you are always in control, and in my practice, I hypnotize my clients whilst they are sitting up with their eyes open!

How to Add Hypnosis to Your Daily Routine

Incorporating hypnosis into your daily routine can be a practical way to manage anxiety. Whether it’s through guided hypnosis sessions, self-hypnosis techniques, or hypnosis recordings, integrating hypnotic practices into your day can help promote relaxation and stress reduction. Establishing a consistent practice can provide a reliable source of support and comfort in the face of anxiety-provoking situations.

The Reasons Why Hypnosis May Be Effective for Anxiety

Research suggests that hypnosis can be effective in reducing anxiety in several ways, i.e. promoting relaxation, improving coping strategies, and fostering a sense of control. By influencing the subconscious mind, hypnosis can also help individuals reframe negative thought patterns and cultivate a more positive mindset, so that things that used to trigger off anxiety, no longer have the power to. Studies additionally show that hypnosis may have a positive impact on physiological measures of anxiety, such as heart rate and cortisol levels. So after each hypnosis session, you emerge feeling very calm and relaxed.


Q: Does hypnosis work for anxiety?

A: Hypnosis is an effective tool for managing anxiety by promoting relaxation, reframing negative thought patterns, and addressing underlying stressors. While individual responses may vary, many people report positive outcomes from incorporating hypnosis into their anxiety management strategy. I wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of hypnosis for anxiety which is what I specialise in.

Q: How often should I try hypnosis for treating anxiety? Does it work immediately?

A: The frequency of hypnosis sessions for treating anxiety can vary depending on individual needs and the specific approach used. While some individuals may experience immediate benefits from a single session, others may benefit from regular sessions over a few weeks. Working with a qualified professional can help determine the best approach for your unique circumstances.

Q: Can I do self-hypnosis, or do I need a professional?

A: While self-hypnosis techniques can be beneficial, seeking guidance from a qualified hypnotherapist is recommended for addressing specific anxiety concerns. A professional hypnotherapist can offer personalised guidance, support, and tailored hypnosis sessions to help manage anxiety symptoms effectively.

Last Words…

In conclusion, hypnosis offers promise as a method for alleviating anxiety. By understanding the principles behind hypnosis, exploring different hypnotic techniques, and seeking guidance from a professional, individuals can experience a greater sense of calm and improved well-being in body and mind.

If you need further assistance with reducing anxiety or fears – check out my “Hypnosis for Anxiety”  service during which I can help you feel calmer, less stressed, and less anxious. To find out more – click this link

I’m a clinical hypnotherapist with over 15 years of experience, and to date, I have helped over 100 clients from London, Poole, Bournemouth,  Southampton, Bath,  Bristol, the United States, and as far afield as New Zealand to overcome anxiety. Regardless of where you reside,  I am fully equipped to assist you in the same manner through my online services so do get in touch if you need my hypnosis help too. Here is the link to my website and here is the link to my calendar if you would like to book a consultation

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and the tips shared here are general and may not be suitable for everyone.  I am not a medical doctor and the tips provided should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is essential to differentiate between anxiety symptoms and potential underlying medical conditions. Sometimes, anxiety symptoms may be the first indicators of an underlying health issue. Therefore, if you are experiencing anxiety or any other health concerns, it is recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or a licensed medical doctor for proper evaluation and guidance first.
