Alex Saxton

How Can I Stop Anxiety?

I’m frequently asked, in my work, “how do I stop anxiety?” In all honesty, anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience, thus you cannot stop it. However, we can cease fearing anxiety, which can make anxiety much worse and might result in full-blown panic episodes. Although there are useful techniques for controlling anxiety, it’s also critical to recognise the situations that may exacerbate it.

This article aims to provide you with a knowledge of unhelpful behaviours that avoid making anxiety worse and empower you to make positive choices by going over four important “don’ts” when feeling anxious or worried.

Are you prepared to learn more?

Let’s go!

  1. Don’t get anxious about being anxious

Many people have a natural predisposition to worry about the initial feelings of anxiety. People also want to know how to stop physical anxiety symptoms. But worrying about the physical feelings of anxiety can make it worse! It’s critical to realise that anxiety is a normal emotion that everyone experiences occasionally and shouldn’t be feared.

If you get anxious about being anxious the anxiety you may experience more panic, and it can becoming challenging to control. Rather, acknowledge that anxiety is a typical human reaction to stress, uncertainty, or leading up to a significant event, and that it’s acceptable to have anxiety because everyone experiences it.

Anxiety will go away on its own if you sit with it and do nothing.

  1. Don’t engage in negative coping mechanisms

It’s natural to resort to harmful coping techniques when worry overwhelms one in an effort to find momentary respite. Bad coping techniques, however, can exacerbate anxiety and have a bad impact on your general wellbeing and mental health.

Addiction to substances, unhealthy escapism, self-destructive habits, and excessive alcohol use are a few examples of bad coping techniques. While these actions temporarily divert attention, they do not deal with the root reasons of worry.

Rather, concentrate on constructive coping mechanisms that enhance overall wellbeing. Healthy anxiety management techniques include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, physical activity, hobbies, talking to friends, and getting expert assistance.

Choose the coping strategies that actually help you feel happy and at ease, and be careful not to use ones that make you feel more anxious. Investing in constructive coping strategies will improve your mental health in the long run.

  1. Don’t isolate

The need to withdraw and isolate oneself can be very powerful during stressful times. Isolating oneself when you’re nervous, however, can exacerbate loneliness and make it more difficult to successfully manage your anxiety.

Talking to people you can trust about your worries, anxieties, and concerns can help you feel better and get advice. Speak with loved ones, friends, or mental health experts who are able to provide support and a listening ear.

Additionally, think about making connections with people who have gone through comparable problems. You can find a sense of community and acknowledge that you’re not traveling alone by joining support groups or browsing online forums. These relationships can offer insightful information, coping mechanisms, and a solid support system.

Recall that asking for help is a show of strength rather than weakness. Asking for assistance requires bravery, but it can also lessen the weight of worry.

4. Don’t neglect self-care

It’s simple to overlook self-care when anxiety strikes since our minds are consumed by anxieties and fears. But adequate self-care is essential to good anxiety management.

Self-care encompasses a wide range of activities, such as establishing boundaries in relationships, exercising, eating a balanced diet, and obtaining adequate sleep. Any of these areas that are neglected might have an impact on our mental health and make anxiety worse.

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep because not getting enough sleep might make anxiety worse. Consuming a nutritious, well-balanced diet can also help control symptoms of anxiety and supply vital nutrients.

Exercise on a regular basis to help lower anxiety and improve the quality of your sleep. Establish limits in your relationships and make time for yourself to unwind and rejuvenate.

This could be reading, having a bath, or doing something creative as a hobby.

Self-care is not selfish; rather, it is a necessary component of successful anxiety management. elf-care is not selfish; rather, it is a necessary component of successful anxiety management. Making self-care a priority is an investment in your general well-being and will help you manage anxiety better.

Last Words…

If you need further assistance on how to stop overthinking and anxiety – check out my “Hypnosis for Anxiety”  service during which I can help you to feel calmer, less stressed and less anxious. To find out more – click this link

I’m a clinical hypnotherapist with over 15 years experience, and to  date I have helped over 100 clients from London, Poole, Bournemouth,  Southampton, Bath,  Bristol, the United States, and as far afield  as New Zealand in overcoming anxiety. Regardless of where you reside,  I am fully equipped to assist you in the same manner so do get in touch  if you need my hypnosis help too. Here is the link to my website and here is the link to my calendar if you would like to book a consultation
