Alex Saxton


Does Hypnosis Work for Insomnia?

Welcome to my article which goes into detail on how hypnosis works for insomnia. If you are reading this now, I would imagine that you have tried a plethora of other techniques out there to help with sleep, e.g. lavender pillow sprays, yoga, meditation, or sleeping pills and you are still suffering from insomnia.

Perhaps you found this article by googling if hypnosis can now help you achieve sleep as a last resort. If so don’t worry I’m not offended, you won’t be the first and you won’t be the last!

Ready to hear more about the benefits of hypnosis for sleep? Then let’s start by explaining what hypnosis is. Discover how hypnosis works for insomnia. Improve sleep naturally with proven, safe techniques for restful nights. Say goodbye to sleeplessness!

What is hypnosis?

It is a tool used to communicate with a person’s subconscious mind and make appropriate changes to achieve a goal. It’s nothing scary; it is only an altered state of consciousness and YOU are always in control.

What is the subconscious mind?

It’s the deeper part of the mind where all your beliefs, phobias, habits, fears, values, and automatic thoughts are stored.

Why would we want to change the subconscious mind to help improve sleep?

To explain this. I have detailed below some of the main reasons my clients can’t overcome insomnia on their own and need my hypnosis help:

  1. They have difficulty falling asleep due to active thoughts or worries keeping them awake long into the early hours of the night. No matter how hard they try they can’t stop their mind from worrying or going over a to-do list on repeat!
  1. Or they have problems getting to sleep due to having sleep anxiety which they have developed from multiple sleepless nights. These sleepless nights have created a sleep phobia, where the mere thought or mention of sleep causes them to get anxious – and feeling anxious won’t help them to sleep…
  1. After suffering from insomnia for days, or months on end, it has now become an unwanted habit stored in their subconscious mind. Much like any behaviour that is repeated over and over, it becomes an automatic unwanted habit in their subconscious mind, repeating every night!
  1. After weeks of terrible stressful sleepless nights in their bedroom, their bedroom environment has now become an emotional trigger for insomnia. So their bedroom and insomnia are now intrinsically linked and the minute they walk into their room, no matter how drowsy they feel they immediately feel awake once they get into bed
  1. Other folks have difficulty staying asleep due to too much adrenaline in their system accrued from the day. What does an excess of adrenaline do? It wakes people up in the night multiple times, with difficulty going back to sleep as feeling so adrenalised and wired. Sound familiar?
  1. Others have difficulty sleeping due to simply having a negative CORE belief that they will never sleep well again. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy??

As you can see, the above common reasons for fuelling insomnia are due to either unwanted habits, worries, beliefs, or fears stored in the subconscious mind or simply due to having too much adrenaline in their system. So if we want to stop worrying in bed at night, remove our sleep anxiety from keeping us awake, or stop our bedroom being a trigger for insomnia, we need to make important changes in the subconscious mind and delete these unhelpful programs that are keeping us awake.

Now this is where a hypnotherapist comes to the rescue! Through the tool of hypnosis, we can make changes to these unwanted habits, fears, or beliefs preventing us from getting the sleep we deserve. Not only that but when you go into hypnosis, it is an extremely relaxing state to be in and it helps release the excess adrenaline waking you up in the night too!

Funnily enough, I often get asked by clients who enquire about my services “What are the side effects of hypnosis?” To which I happily reply, “Well you feel calmer and sleep better!” What’s not to like about that??

Last words

I cannot emphasise enough how much hypnosis can help a person overcome insomnia. So if you are currently struggling with insomnia, my advice is to reach out to a hypnotherapist as soon as you can, because the longer you suffer from insomnia the stronger this unwanted sleeping habit becomes.

If you would like my hypnotherapy assistance on overcoming insomnia  –  then I invite you to check out my “Hypnosis for Insomnia” hypnotherapy service during which I can help you to feel calmer, reduce sleep anxiety and improve sleep in just a few weeks. To find out more – click this link Hypnosis for Insomnia

A little bit about me, I’m a clinical hypnotherapist with over 15 years of experience, and to date, I have helped over 100 clients from Poole, Bournemouth,  Southampton, Bath, London, Bristol, the United States, and as far afield as New Zealand in overcoming anxiety, insomnia and OCD. Regardless of where you reside,  I am fully equipped to assist you in the same manner so do get in touch if you need my hypnosis help too. Here is the link to my website and here is the link to my calendar if you would like to book a consultation directly

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and the tips shared here are general and may not be suitable for everyone.  I am not a medical doctor and the tips provided should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is essential to differentiate between insomnia symptoms and potential underlying medical conditions. Sometimes, insomnia symptoms may be the first indicators of an underlying health issue. Therefore, if you are experiencing insomnia, it is recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or a licensed medical doctor for proper evaluation and guidance first.
