Alex Saxton


4 Tips to Prevent Worries from becoming OCD

I’m writing this article to help you keep worries in check so that they don’t become Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD is a serious mental health condition that can cause significant distress and impact daily life. But don’t worry, there are things you can do to prevent it from taking over your thoughts and behaviour. So, let’s get started!

It’s important to understand that OCD can develop from any type of worry, not just from fear of contamination or need for symmetry. Unchecked everyday worries can spiral into a debilitating condition. That’s why it’s vital to practice the following tips to avoid OCD.

Tip 1: Accept uncertainty

Learning to accept uncertainty is essential in preventing OCD. Fighting against uncertainty leads to the development of rituals and repetitive behaviours to gain certainty. However, life is not always certain, and it’s okay not to have all the answers. Embracing uncertainty can help free you from constant reassurance-seeking and reduce the urge to engage in rituals. Remember, it takes patience and practice to accept uncertainty fully, but it’s worth it in the end.

Tip 2: Setting boundaries with worries

To prevent worries from spiralling into OCD, it’s essential to establish limits on how much time and energy you spend on these worries. Setting aside a specific time for engaging in worries can be helpful. For example, you can set aside 15 minutes every day to engage in ‘Worry Periods.’ Once the alarm goes off, you can stop engaging and continue with other activities. Remember to be patient with yourself when setting boundaries, and do something else after your worry period to help distance yourself from the worry.

Tip 3: Take care of yourself.

Nourishing your body with a healthy and balanced diet, getting quality sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you joy are vital to self-care. A balanced diet helps support overall wellbeing, while proper sleep rejuvenates your mind and body. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and pleasure can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

Tip 4: Avoid Reassurance-Seeking

Constantly seeking reassurance may offer temporary relief from a worry, but it reinforces the idea that uncertainty is unacceptable. To prevent OCD, refrain from seeking reassurance. With time, you can develop a tolerance for uncertainty and challenge the need for certainty. Remember, no matter how much reassurance you seek, you cannot attain absolute certainty.

Last Words

We all have worries, and sometimes they can get the best of us. But with these tips, you’ll have the tools to keep them in check and prevent them from becoming OCD. Take it one step at a time, be patient with yourself, and remember that you’re stronger than your worries. You’ve got this!

If you need further help in reducing worries that are dangerously spiralling out of control get in touch to hear more about my 1-2-1 services where I can help you release worries and feel calmer again. The link to book a discovery call with me is here: Book Call.

I’m a clinical hypnotherapist with over 15 years experience, and to date I have helped over 100 clients from Poole, Bournemouth, Southampton, Bath, London, Bristol, the United States, and as far afield as New Zealand in reaching their goals. Regardless of where you reside, I am fully equipped to assist you in the same manner so do get in touch if you need my hypnosis help too. Here is the link to my website and here is the link to my calendar if you would like to book a consultation
